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It's Time We Get Darth Bane!

Writer's picture: The Star Wars GuruThe Star Wars Guru

If you've followed me for awhile, chances are you know I'm a huge fan of the Sith amd the dark side. Some of my favorite things in official canon lore that Lucasfilm has established are the fact that the Jedi know who Darth Bane is AND they know about his Rule of Two. And not just the Jedi, other people do, as well.

We, of course, hear Yoda and Mace Windu talk about the Sith Rule of Two in the movie The Phantom Menace. We also hear the Mandalorian warrior Pre Vizsla talk about the Sith Rule of Two in the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Yoda knows who the ancient Sith Lord is when he speaks to the specter of Darth Bane in the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and when asked how he knows Darth Bane, Yoda says it's because he created the Rule of Two.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sacrifice

In the official canon comics, we see a High Republic-era Jedi talk about the Jedi Order ending the reign of the Sith Lord Darth Bane. That same character goes on to say that the High Republic-era was a golden age centuries after Darth Bane's rule was ended.

Star Wars (2020) 20

Lastly, the official Star Wars Databank said, "The rule of two was revealed to the Jedi Order of centuries past, but in their hubris, the Jedi believed that they had destroyed Bane's plan with his defeat."

Archival image of the Encyclopedia on

This brings me to another thought on how I wish I could have been in the room when George Lucas was creating Darth Bane. Sometimes I think about how lucky Terry Brooks was when he got to have an hour long phone call with George about Darth Bane and the history of the Sith.

As I am sure most of you know, Darth Bane was created by George Lucas in the mid 90s during the preproduction for Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace. Terry Brooks was the author of the novelization for Episode I and George Lucas had him include parts about the Sith and Darth Bane in The Phantom Menace novel. Very small details, of course.

For example, in the Episode I novelization Darth Bane's apprentice is described as being a male, who would go on to train their own apprentice after surpassing Darth Bane (see the excerpt from The Phantom Menace novelization). This is obviously different from the Expanded Universe/Legends brand version, where Darth Bane's apprentice is a woman, which we all know as Darth Zannah.

It's clear George Lucas had his own ideas since he created the character. These ideas were not known to the Expanded Universe writers, so they, of course, would create a backstory original to them that Expanded Universe fans would learn about in comic books and novels.

Meanwhile, George Lucas was just sitting back with his true story that he never revealed, except to a few. Finally, with the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, George Lucas was able to put his version of Darth Bane into canon. With a completely new design by Darren Marshall, George Lucas revealed the official canon Darth Bane in season 6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and voiced by Mark Hamill.

Concept art by Darren Marshall

It will be interesting to see how future stories take the character. Lucasfilm will be stuck in a hard place: trying to keep the character true to the creator's intentions with the notes and backstory George Lucas left for his character, and the Expanded Universe fans who fell in love with another version of the character created by writers not named George Lucas.

We currently see his design has been completely remodeled by George Lucas and looks nothing like the Expanded Universe version. Lucasfilm has already made a clear effort to only portray the character using George's design from The Clone Wars TV show. Below in official material such as Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith, Star Wars: The Dark Side, and Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes you can see his appearance is based on George vision.

So will they also go with George's backstory? Will they go with the backstory from the Expanded Universe/Legends brand? Or a mixture of both?

What do you want to see with the character Darth Bane?

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